Ricky takes the boys and their friends to play paintball while the turkey is cooking.
"Oh gosh, the party is growing. The kids have invited friends and I think about 50 plus people are coming now. I hope I have enough food," I say.
"Not to worry, spanish people don't eat much, they aren't like American's." she laughs.
It felt like she was just taking an easy pot shot at Americans, so I continued cooking:
40 pounds of potatoes, 25 pounds of carrots, mountains of green beans, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salad, a vat of gravy and in addition to the turkey 6 extra huge turkey breasts.
Do you see anyone eating?
Hey girls, do you want some mashed potatoes?
How about some stuffing?
Green beans anyone?
Xbox is more fun than eating.
How can they be tired when they barely ate?
"Can you believe there was barely a dent made in the food?" Ricky says as we clean up later. "Next time, we could just pick up a ham leg and some cheese."
HOLDEN and RICKY VISIT COLLEGES IN THE USAA view from our balcony Thanksgiving Eve
For the first time in 3 months Ricky and Holden are on their way back to America to visit potential colleges for Holden. I am dying to know what it's like for them to be back in the US?
"Is it weird to hear people speaking english?" I ask Holden when he arrives in NYC.
He said as soon as he got off the plane he went to the bathroom and then the first person he saw asked him.....
"donde esta la demanda de equipaje?" (where is the baggage claim).
"I thought it was a joke," Holden says.
Ricky and Holden arrivng at the Harvard Club in Boston.
Ricky represented a movie character he played at the Harvard Medal of Honor recipients memorial dedication ceremony.
Charles Whittlesly, a Harvard Law Graduate (1908), was a hero dipicted in the movie Lost Batllion which was set in World War I.
They clean up well. Ricky and Holden with another Harvard Medal of Honor winner.
Holden had the opportunity to tour the campus and meet with admissions.
Next stop....Duke University. Looking good in a suit is just the beginning.
After Duke the boys checked out BYU and U of U.
FRANCE...The Atlantic Coast
With Ricky and Holden away, the rest of us take a road trip to France. Luke is super excited about a big swell that has arrived on the shores of Biarritz. The biggest difference to taking road trips in Europe are the toll roads. On the 5 hour drive to Biarritz, we stop about 8 times and pay about 100Euros worth of tolls.
Luke read online that the waves in France were going to be "Epic".
The waves were so big that Luke can't even surf them, so we drove up a down the coast looking for different waves.
We stopped at a cute little town and Luke checked out the waves while the girls ate croissants at a nearby cafe.
We stopped at a cute little town and Luke checked out the waves while the girls ate croissants at a nearby cafe.
Crossiants in France are super extra delicious.
While at the cafe a cute french girl asks if she can take some pictures of the kids. She emailed them to me later. Sweet unexpected little memory of trip.

The girls check out the photos.
I feel like I am shrinking now when standing next to Luke.
This beach in France was very beautiful with empty, undeveloped views of sand and sea.
It is not the best wave, or ride, but at least Luke is able to get in the water.
Au revoir la France
It is almost mid December and the holiday season is just beginning to get under way. To kick things off, we decide to take a trip to Munich, a city known for having one of the best Christmas markets in Europe. I read the villagers bring their unique handy crafts to the center of town and shoppers can find all sorts of one of kind unusual gifts. "I am bringing an extra suitcase," I say as we head to the airport.
SNOW! It's feeling like Christmas already. Here's a snapshot of the snowy Alps out the window of the plane.
"I love how clean and organized the bathrooms are here," says Cambrie after we land at the Munich airport.
There is hand santizer, plastic bags, seat covers, even a toilet brush in every stall.
"German's are very clean," I say remembering Ricky's grandparents were German.
"So I get being clean from Dad's side of the family?" she digs.
Kathe Wohlfarht
"How come everything in German ends in FARHT," Cambrie asks "Ask Dad, he's from the German side."
Yipee we are about the enter the famous Christmas Markets.
A veiw from above the markets of Marienplatz Square, Munich
"Let's get a picture of this cool Iron Wild Boar." says Ricky as we approach the square.
The wild boar leads Ricky to realize that the doors behind go to a Hunting and Fishing Museum. Ricky wants to take a look. I must play my cards right. Do I digg my heels in and point out we are on a Christmas shopping trip? Or do I give Ricky some time in the museum, so then he is obligated to endure as much shopping as the girls want?
Actually, I have always wanted to go to a German Hunting and Fishing Museum......
"I hope my bunnies in Topanga are still alive." Faith says
Try to guess what fur belongs to what animal? Wild pigs in the cold mountains of Germany have extra thick course fur that feels like pine needles (or a Mason Pearson brush) incase you were wondering...
"I love my Dad....
and baby Jesus."
"I can't believe it is already getting dark and we haven't started shopping."
I am not picky when it comes to candy.
You know your in a tourist trap when the tree ornaments are cheese and bread.
Ice skating in sqaure proves to be the most fun.
The next day we meet up with some new friends of ours from Barcelona, who are also in Munich for the weekend.
Together we take all the girls to see the Nutcracker and then to a Castle the next day.
Here is the online picture of the "Swan Lake Barbie Castle" outside of Munich.
"Look at this amazing Princess Castle we are going to today," I say.
"It looked better in the picture." says Faith
It doesn't matter where you go, it's always fun with friends.
While we are getting a taste of Christmas in Munich, Luke is having a trip of a lifetime snowboarding in the Alps on opening weekend.
Luke friends have been telling him how everyone goes "off piste" in Europe, which means basically you can ski/snowboard anywhere. As you can see they pretty much have the hill to themselves.
Luke and Sam (from NYC) on top of the world.
"It is the most amazing snow I have ever seen." says Luke
This long post all about our recent "Non Spain" adventures wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention something about Cambrie turning 13.
OK her invitation did say,"Thirteen in Barcelona", but the photo of the party girls is taken at the American Barbie Car exhibit in Barcelona.
It's long past dinner time as this post has been so lengthy. I guess I will just go de-thaw some frozen Thanksgiving turkey, they haven't had it for a few days now."
ox Andrea